It's time for a new chapter of this life as a quilter and I hope you'll come along with me for the ride. For several years now it has been a desire of mine to help other quilters through teaching and to create quilt patterns for my quilting friends to use and enjoy. It seems as though NOW may be the time.
So I went out and got myself a little part time job in a nearby quilt shop. Hanging out with quilters a couple days a week might show me what it is quilters want offered in the classroom and what kinds of patterns they like most. The result so far has been one finished pattern for insulated grocery totes. And I've made a purse using a pattern by Aunties Two and plan to teach it as a class during the 1st quarter of 2012. I've got a few more ideas for patterns I want to write and classes I plan to teach in 2012.
At this point you may be saying to yourself, "Why does she have a website if she only has one pattern.?" My husband is the GEEKY side of this adventure and he quickly got to work securing a domain name and getting us hooked into the land of websites. And, well, if there is a website then I've been placed in the eyes of the world and I need to GET BUSY and create stuff to share.
So here we are! With a company name, a domain name, a website that's still under construction, some ideas, and one pattern! Since ideas are the one thing I currently have to share with you lets start there. Here's the ideas.
Whimsical Patterns - Most of my quilts up to this point have been whimsical in nature, something that puts a smile on your face. Creating smiles is what I most want to share.
Useful Stuff - Quilters love to be surrounded by quilted stuff. Stuff to use in the home and in the sewing room and maybe even stuff to wear. So I'll be sharing some patterns of useful stuff to surround yourself with and that hopefully you'll think is useful enough to make and share with your family and friends.
Tips and Products - Once in awhile I hope to have a useful tip or product to share with you that I find helpful in making quilts and stuff.
Other Stuff - You know how websites are, they often offer a photo gallery to inspire you, info on current or upcoming projects, and maybe a newsletter or a blog. None of these things are going to for sure happen, we'll see. This is an adventure after all. We're along for the ride and where we end up nobody yet knows. However, I did enter the land of blogging recently at the advice of a friend and I hope you'll stop by there, see what I'm up to and let me know what you think.
Thank you for stopping by and taking a look at pretty much NOTHING but ideas. Please check back from time to time and see where we're at and what new things we actually have to offer. This website is all about sharing. Please CLICK HERE and share with me what's on your mind. I'd love to know the kind of things you like to see on a quilty website (or the things you don't like), the kind of patterns, techniques and useful things you need in your quilting life.

Visit Wanda at her blog, Creative Quilting,
to learn more about her latest patterns and classes.